Wednesday, March 10, 2010

100 Books in 2010

I forgot this Blog existed and since it seems to have fallen into disuse, I am going to use it to track the 100 Juvenile books I plan to read in 2010. Please feel free to offer suggestions. I am doing this for two reasons: first, I want to make myself read 100 Juvie books form myjob. How can I advise people if I don't read the books myself; the second reason is to practise using social networking technologies. Since I am very 'old school' I cringe at public postings yet without actually using these technologies I become disadvantaged at my job. So I am hoping no one except me (& a very few of you) will read my posts. I can always edit them out if they become too cringable. Best of luck to me in accomplishing my goal.


katy_bee said...

I totally forgot about this blog as well! I think this is a great place to track your books and also a great goal to have! :)

jennyjen said...

I love that there are some book-related goals for 2010! My own goal this year is to read 52 books, whether that's non-fiction, fiction, or whatever. But maybe I will add picture books to that as well, in case I am short of my target!

Please keep us posted on your reads, I really love juvenile fiction. One of my favourite juvie books was "Make Lemonade", maybe you recommended it to me. Another was that one about the girl growing up in the Depression, with her dad. Can't remember the name but I'm sure it was recommended by you.

jennyjen said...

I also read a review about "The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things" by Carolyn Mackler, which was banned in some schools, and wanted to read it. Might be worth adding to your list!