Thursday, September 3, 2009

How To Be Good by Nick Hornby

Yep, another Nick Hornby book, but you just can't beat his fabulous writing. This book was still a pleasure to read despite the fact that I wasn't too fond of the story... A middle-aged woman is fed up with her cynical husband, unhappy with her life, and contemplating divorce. Meanwhile, the husband has a sort of spiritual experience and suddenly loses all of his pessimism and cynicism for life. Overnight, he has become everything the wife has wished for- he is good and kind and considerate- but is it really what she wants?

Anyway, too much mid-life cynicism and crisis for me to really connect with or enjoy (I can't say I'm a fan of reading about the nothing-to-do-but-accept-how-depressing-life-is storyline) but in spite of all of that, I found it enjoyable and the writing itself a pleasure to read. But probably wouldn't really recommend it.

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